Member Spotlight #3: Doug Gubbins
1. Why do you run? How did you first start?
DG: I was going thru difficult times in my life and needed to work on myself. A friend’s wife who just ran marathon in San Diego for Team in Training indicated it was a great way to get to know new people, bond and support a great cause. I had run in the past, but it was only the 4 weeks before the Boilermaker and then I would hang up the shoes until the next year. So, I took the plunge and signed up for a full. This was the beginning of a new me. I started my training in August of 2007. Training with a great group of people and a “F”ing DAVE of a coach. We called him that due to his love of hills and our dislike of them. He started me on this crazy path of long-distance running. Now running is my therapy with the amazing people of NHP and the Long Island running community.

- What is the most memorable or proud moment?
DG: There are so many. One of the most memorable was my first NYC marathon. It was 2011 and my son was only 2 ½ months old. I was on pace for a PR thru the 1st half of the marathon and cramped up on the 59th street bridge. It was just over halfway, and I had 4 to 5 miles before I saw my wife and son. I stopped, stretched and began a run walk. Turning onto 1 st Ave and seeing people lining both sides of the street, cheering and providing you energy to keep moving. The crowd’s energy helped me push through until I saw my family around mile 19 and again around 21 before entering Central Park. It took 4 hours 17 minutes to cross. It was a tough day but one I will never forget. - What do you do when you’re not running? Other hobbies?
DG: I enjoy sports in general, following the New York Yankees, San Francisco 49ers, New York Knicks, New York Islander’s and Syracuse athletics. If you know me, I always seem to find a home improvement project. This often scares my wife because she has no idea of how long it is going to take to complete. We seem to always run into a snag or two. But with every snag there is a solution. I love my chicken wings and beer especially with the boys (Andrew, Gareth and Nate). - Do you have a favorite race/route/distance?
DG: The Utica Boilermaker 15K – hands down the best 15K in the world. This has and will remain a staple in my life. I will be running it for the 19th time this July. What makes it a favorite is that it’s run in Utica, NY, near where I grew up. It was the race my parents, sisters, nieces, nephews and aunts have all come to for years. It’s such a family race that my sister, niece, 2 dear friends, nephews and now my wife and kids have all started running it. This will be my second year running it without my parents cheering me on, but they’re always in my heart. Most especially when I run past the spot they cheered me on. - What is home like? Kids? Pets? Work? And how do you balance daily life, responsibilities and running?
DG: I have 2 kids, D’Angelo (11), Stella Rose (9) and one dog Luna (1). I work as a purchasing manager for Florence Building Materials. Running changes as our kids get older and their schedules get more complex. There are days if I don’t get a run in the morning before they wake up it is not going to happen. But, I’m grateful that my family is supportive and my son & daughter will sometimes get out and run a few miles with me. Running helps me clear my head and feel good. - What are your upcoming races, goals and/or dream races you’d like to run?
DG: The Boilermaker of course, and I’m just starting to get serious about training for the Wineglass Marathon in Corning, NY. I worked my butt off a few years back and qualified for Boston at Wineglass, but due to the COVID-cancelled Boston Marathon, my time was no longer a qualifying time. So I have some unfinished business. - Is there a piece of advice that you received from a coach or mentor that sticks with you.
DG: “Hills make you stronger.“David Salvas, running coach for TNT (NH).
“Seize the road.“ Mike Peskin (former member (runner) of NHP-M).
Every run is a good run. - What is your go to running song and favorite sneaker?
DG: I don’t run with music. I use this time to clear my head maybe that is why I talk to myself a lot, LOL. In regard to sneakers I use to be solely ASCIS Nimbus. I have been liking the HOKA Mach 4’s and I recently enjoyed the ASCIS Novablast. - What is one thing most people don’t know about you or a guilty pleasure?
DG: Guilty Pleasure – I like my peanut butter. When dating my future wife, we had a complete peanut butter weekend in NH. Everything we ate was made with peanut butter. From PB&J French toast for breakfast to sweet and spicy peanut butter glazed chicken tenders to peanut butter and jelly cupcakes. - What is your biggest take away from being a member of an organized running club like NHP-Mineola?
DG: NHP-M has not only help me become a better runner, but a better person. They are more than a running club they are my family by choice. See you on the streets.

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